Monday, January 17, 2011

Wheaton Ice Rink in Silver Spring, Maryland


Wheaton Ice Rink is a well maintained ice skating rink on the boarder of Silver Spring and Wheaton. The staff is very attentive and were on the ice at all times making sure that everyone was skating safely. The ice rink is also used for skating lessons and hockey games, so there are a large set of bleachers for parents to sit and watch (and if you get the right spot, you can sit right under the heating vent). We did not find this out until afterwards, but for younger children, they have cones that they can give to the children to hold on to so that they can start learning to skate. Our sons also really enjoyed watching the Zamboni being driven around to make the ice shiny and smooth again. If you check the schedule online, there are various different scheduled times built in for different activities, so check before you go. They have scheduled times for cheaper skating, figure skaters, family skating, etc…. Overall, we were very happy with our time on the ice and would recommend going back to this rink in the future. Prices vary depending on the scheduled time and the age of the individual.
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