Thursday, June 30, 2011

Butlers Orchard, Germantown, MD

Today was the perfect day to trek out to Butlers Orchard in Germantown, MD. This farm is open, and most busy during the summer months, but if you call ahead, they will let you know which times of day are less crowded and which fruits or vegetables are available for picking based on the season. They have a big parking lot in the fields, and staff members use hayride tractors to bring people back and forth from the fields every ten minutes. The tractor ride and the actual picking was great fun for all of us as looking for the best berries was a great challenge. You can bring your own baskets or purchase buckets when you arrive at the farm. Depending on the season, picking options include strawberries, sweet peas, blueberries, cherries, flowers, blackberries, red raspberries, apples, and pumpkins.
When not picking fruits or vegetables, they also have a small playground area which has a wooden train, and wooden boat. My son also really loved going on the large slides that were built into the hill near the playground. They keep a bin of burlap sacks that kids can take to the top of the slide and use to slide down. Be sure to check the website or call ahead as the hours vary depending on the day and season. All and all, this was a very inexpensive and fun trip as the prices for fruit were slightly less than in the stores and allowed us to enjoy a warm day outside. 


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