Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sesame Place in Pennsylvania

 We went to Sesame Place in the beginning of September 2008 and in the beginning of June 2009. Both times were a blast - for both the adults and the kids. In 2008, we went with our 3 year old and 1 year old and basically our 3 year old had a blast and our 1 year old didn't have too much to do, but it was still fun for him. This past June, both our 4 year old and 2 year old had a blast. The parade was really fun! They got to high five some of the Sesame Street characters and a 2 year old who was with us got to dance with some of the characters during the parade.

Aside from the parade, there are shows - The Elmo Show, Big Bird Show, etc. where children get to sit in the audience and watch their favorite characters perform as if they are on TV. In addition to the shows and parade, there are rides in water (where you can get a little wet or soaking wet) and on land, as well as places where you can climb on nets, a carousel, and some rides for younger kids (around age 2 years). The rides in the park are fun for children as well as adults.

Both years, we chose to go on Sundays either after the school year has begun (beginning Sept.) or before the school year has ended (beginning June). We did this to try and avoid the insane summer crowds on Sundays. Also, both times we were part of a group that either we or others organized. The group rate is significantly cheaper than buying tickets at full price. A group is 15 or more people who pay in advance to go on the same date (although they do not have to arrive together in any way or even know one another). For every 9 people you have in your group, you get a free ticket. If you do not want to eat the park food and would like to eat a picnic lunch/dinner, then I recommend that you leave a cooler in your car and park in one of the preferred parking lots near the entrance which are also near picnic tables. Big coolers are not allowed in the park (only small ones are okay).

Lastly, we wore clothes that we would wear to go on the water rides (e.g. swim suits, etc.) and went on the water rides first before lunch. That way, during lunch your clothes have a chance to dry or you could change your clothes then for dry rides, shows, and the parade and not have to carry clothes, towels, etc. with you in the park. Enjoy!
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