The adventure playground in South Germantown is an amazing park located right next to the splash park, and several other amenities. The best part about this park is that the equipment is clean, sturdy, huge, and there is tons of space to run and play. The entrance is built like a castle, and kids can climb, swing, run, and jump all over this place.
Another area in the park is constructed in the shape of a ship. There is a main level and then plenty of places to run around under the main deck. The slides vary in size and speed, and kids of all ages can find something to do at this park. They also had a really cool climbing wall which was an instant hit with our kids.
The biggest downside to this park is also its largest benefit which is that it is huge. Our kids had plenty of places to go, but we also really had to follow them everywhere to make sure to keep them in our line of vision. In the summer months, this park can be very hot as it is in the open sun. However, there are several trees along the outskirts of the park that you can stand under for shade. We look forward to coming back in the fall when the weather is a little bit more cool so that we can really spend a good chunk of time here.
Accessibility: Concrete paths to get around the outside of the park, but not as wheel chair accessible as a park like Clemyjontri.
Website: http://www.montgomeryparks.org/facilities/south_germantown/#adventure_totlots
Hours: Sunrise-Sunset, year round
Age Level: 2-10
Book Recommendations before going to a playground
Please Play Safe! Penguin’s Guide to Playground Safety
(Margery Cuyler)
Manners on the playground (Carrie Finn)
King of the Playground (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor)
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